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Dealing with self esteem issues- a complete guide

16 May, 2022 | Health BM | No Comments

Dealing with self esteem issues- a complete guide


Inspite of what romanticized western novels would have you believe, self confidence is the key to almost all aspects of happiness and success. Low self esteem is the active reason behind many personal incompetency issues ranging from the feeling of being unloved to feeling inadequate. A person with low self esteem will often pass up on opportunities or be afraid to take risks due the fear of making mistakes or due to lack of motivation. 

This will not only hurt your chances of success, but it will also have detrimental impacts on your performance at both mental and physical levels. Self confidence issues are also known to be hurtful to interpersonal or professional relationships as they make people more reserved and afraid of showing emotions. 

Self esteem is like an inner voice egging you on to achieve greater things, take more calculated risks and push positive thoughts. Here’s what stable confidence can help you with:

Ability to deal with fear and anxiety:

People with high self confidence are able to unhook themselves from negative thoughts and work independent of latent fears amd anxiety. Not only does this queit your inner critic, but also get rid of the tendency to worry about every little thing.


If you are confident in yourself, you are also motivated to face the upcoming day. The more self confidence you have, the less self doubt and mental lethargy can effect you.

Improved Relationships:

According to studies, confident people are counterintuitively less focused on themselves. This increases an individuals ability to build more genuine interpersonal bonds. People are also less likely to be self conscious once they deal with confidence issues which helps them seem more attractive to others. 

Signs of self confidence issues:

Just like your body warning you with smaller ailment before larger, more difficult to deal with illness sets in- your inner self will also show teltale signs of low self esteem. Here’s what to look for:

  • Sensitivity to criticism
  • Withdrawal from social and personal interactions
  • Aggressive behaviour and temperament issues
  • Mental preoccupation with a variety of personal problems 
  • Continued and disproportionate grief or sadness about small issues
  • Lack of motivation
  • Feelings of inadequacy and incompleteness 
  • Feelings of being unloved 

Dealing with Low self Esteem:

Even though it is always suggested to reach out to professional help for any mental issues, it is often not affordable or possible to fit a psychiatrist into our busy schedules. Here’s what you can do to try to uplift yourself:

  • Identify points of conflict (Troubling situations and issues)
  • If possible, avoid points of conflict
  • Be more aware of your beliefs and thoughts 
  • Ignore or suppress negative thoughts
  • Think positively before approaching challenges
  • Keep an achievement journal and remind yourself of all the times you have succeeded challenging situations. 

If you are looking to harness your inner confidence, feel free to try out the ‘Confidence Course Package’ by Thumper’s Journey to Emotional Wellbeing. This 66 page program comes with 20 Done for you exercises that help you identify and discredit negative thoughts which results in more personal motivation.